Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Over 30 years of experience in Acupuncture & Chiropractic

Dr. Benjamin Kang, D.C., DOM, L.Ac.

Emergency Treatment Ready!!!

  • Upper Cervical Spine Correction
  • Panacea Acupuncture Method Specialty
  • Hwata Cervical Vertebra Acupuncture Method
  • Development of Special Acupuncture Methods
  • Use of Gujunggupok Herbal Medicine


Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and a key component of traditional Chinese medicine.

Deep Tissue massage

A type of massage therapy, deep tissue massage involves applying firm pressure and slow strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle and fascia.


Moxibustion is a type of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves burning moxa, a cone or stick made of ground mugwort leaves, on or near your body’s meridians and acupuncture points.


Acupressure is an ancient healing art that’s based on the traditional Chinese medicine practice of acupuncture. With acupressure, you put pressure on specific places on your body.

Oriental Medicine

Oriental medicine aims to restore the body’s balance and harmony between the natural opposing forces of yin and yang, which can block qi and cause disease.

free advice for positive lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes are behavior modifications or habit changes that encourage positive changes in your life

Meet Dr. Benjamin Kang, D.C., DOM, L.Ac.

Dr. Benjamin Kang, D.C., DOM, L.Ac. has been a primary care Chiropractor with training in Acupuncture & Traditional Oriental Medicine for over 30 years.  Dr. Kang has formal training both in Oriental Medicine and Chiropractic.  

Traffic Accidents

If the accident is your fault, can be treated through currently insured med plan.

Workers' Comp.

Can be treated through Med Risk

Medicare HMO / PPO

Seoul Medical / Chiropractic Care possible

Health Insurance through Job

Oriental Medicine / Chiropractic Care possible

Cash Discount Plan

Advanced pay for upcoming 10 treatments have 25% discount.

$99 / Month

Unlimited Chiropractic Care


14519 Main St. #B
Hesperia, CA 92345


  • MON: 9AM ~ 1PM
  • THU: 9AM ~ 5PM
  • SUN: 3PM ~ 5PM
  •   (Appointment Only)


(562) 879-3856



11867 Artesia Blvd.
Artesia, CA 90701


  • MON: 3PM ~ 7PM
  • TUE ~ FRI: 9AM ~ 7PM
  • SAT: 9AM ~ 2PM
  • THU / SUN: Closed


  • (562) 809-2535
  • (562) 809-7714 (fax)
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